Developing Course Components
- Cenk Kabahasanoğlu
- Gürkan Topçu
A component is the part of a unit that contains your actual course content. A unit can contain one or more components.
By default, Studio includes four basic types of components for you to add to your course.
- Discussion components provide discussion spaces in the body of your course. Learners can explore ideas about a lesson with their peers in a discussion space.
- HTML components allow you to add text, images, and some types of learning tools to your course. Content in HTML components is formatted as HTML.
- Problem components enable you to add many different types of exercises and problems to your course, from simple multiple-choice problems to complex circuit schematic exercises.
- Video components contain the videos that you want to include in your course.
Add a Component
To add a component to the unit, follow these steps.
- Open the page for the unit in the Studio.
- Under Add New Component, select a component type. The default component types are discussion, HTML, problem, and video.
Edit a Component
To edit a component, you select Edit in the component’s title bar in Studio.
Then, follow instructions for the type of component you are editing.
After you edit a component, the changes are not visible to learners until you publish the unit.
Set the Display Name for a Component
The display name identifies the component. This name appears as a heading above the component in the LMS, and it identifies the component for you in Insights.
The following illustration shows the display name of a problem in Studio, in the LMS, and in Insights.
Unique, descriptive display names help you and your learners identify components quickly and accurately.
To set the display name for a component, follow these steps.
- Edit the component. A dialog box opens.
- For a discussion or video component, the dialog box opens to the list of settings, including the Display Name field.
- For an HTML or problem component, the dialog box opens to an editing view. Select Settings to show the list of settings, including the Display Name field.
- Edit the Display Name field.
- Click Save.
Different types of components have different fields in the Settings dialog box, but all of them have a Display Name field.
Duplicate a Component
When you duplicate a component, a new copy of that component is added directly beneath the first component. You can then modify the duplicate. In many cases, duplicating a component and editing the copy is a faster way to create new content.
To duplicate a component, click the Duplicate icon in the component header.
Then, follow instructions for the type of component you are editing.
After you duplicate a component, the new component is not visible to learners until you publish the unit.
Delete a Component
To delete a component, follow these steps.
- Click the Delete icon in the component header.
- When you receive the confirmation prompt, click Yes, delete this component.
After you delete a component in Studio, the component remains visible to learners until you publish the unit.
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