Computer Labs

Computer Labs


KU IT offers a variety of instructional computing facilities that are available to all University students and the community. Computer Labs provides access to academic and research related software, and the Internet.


  • Most of the computers are Windows based. MacOS computers are available at ENG B50 and SOS Z14. 
  • USB and microphone ports are available on the computers.
  • Computers do not persist user data across sessions. Any data, document kept on computer local storage is lost permanently once you end your session or a power outage occurs.

Do not save important information on public access computers. All information is erased when you log out or a power outage occurs. Please save data to a personal storage device or your personal Shared Storage area frequently. 

Who can use it?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

When can I use it?

This service is available all the time.

How much does it cost?

This service is available at no charge to the KU community.   

How do I get it?

You can access computers in computer labs using your KU NetID and password.

Public Access Computers

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