Prerequisite Course Subsections

Prerequisite Course Subsections

You can lock subsections of your course until learners complete other, prerequisite subsections. If a subsection has a prerequisite, it is displayed in the course outline with a lock icon, and learners cannot view the subsection content until they have earned a minimum score in the prerequisite subsection.

You must first Enable Course Prerequisites before prerequisite course subsections can be used.

Enable Subsection Prerequisites

To enable prerequisite subsections in a course, follow these steps.

  • Select Advanced Settings from the Settings menu.
  • In the Enable Subsection Prerequisites field, enter true.
  • Click Save Changes.

Create a Prerequisite Subsection

To prevent learners from seeing a subsection of your course until they have earned a minimum score or completed a minimum portion in a prerequisite subsection, follow these steps.

Make sure that you configure subsection prerequisites in the order that you intend for learners to encounter them in the course content. The prerequisite configuration controls do not prevent you from creating a circular chain of prerequisites that will permanently hide them from learners.

  • Enable subsection prerequisites for your course. For more information, see Enable Subsection Prerequisites.
  • Click the Configure icon for the subsection that must be completed first. This is the prerequisite subsection.

  • Select the Advanced tab.
  • Under Use as a Prerequisite, select Make this subsection available as a prerequisite to other content.
  • Click Save.
  • Click the Configure icon for the subsection that will be hidden until the prerequisite is met.
  • Select the Advanced tab, and then locate the Limit Access section.
  • In the Prerequisite list, select the name of the subsection you want to specify as the prerequisite.

  • To require that learners achieve a minimum score in the prerequisite subsection before the current subsection opens, enter the percent of the total score that learners must earn in the Minimum Score field. If the prerequisite section is not a problem set, set Minimum Score to 0 and set Minimum Completion Percentage to a value greater than zero.
    For example, if the prerequisite subsection includes four problems and each problem is worth the same number of points, set the Minimum Score to 75 to require at least three correct answers.
    To require that learners complete a minimum portion of the prerequisite subsection before the current subsection opens, enter the percent of the prerequisite subsection that learners must complete in the Minimum Completion Percentage field.
    If you set both the Minimum Score field and the Minimum Completion Percentage field to a value greater than zero, then learners must satisfy both conditions in the prerequisite section before they can view the current subsection. The default value for both the Minimum Score field and the Minimum Completion Percentage field is 100.
  • Click Save.
  • In the course outline, if a subsection has a prerequisite, the prerequisite name appears under the subsection name.