Developing Your Course Outline

Developing Your Course Outline

As you develop your course, you work primarily in the edX Studio course outline. This section includes the following information about working with the course outline. Course authors build a course outline on the Course Outline page in Studio. Learners see this course outline in the LMS.

To view the course outline in the LMS, go to the Course Outline page in Studio and select either Preview or View Live.

In the following image, the Studio view of the course outline is on the left. On the right is the view of the course outline in the LMS.

The numbers represent the following levels.

  1. Sections
  2. Subsections
  3. Units
The Course Outline page does not show components. You add or access components by selecting the units that contain the components.

In Studio, you navigate the course outline by expanding and collapsing sections and subsections. Use the “drop-down” icon next to a section or subsection name to expand or collapse its contents.

When you expand a subsection, all units in the subsection are visible.

Select the name of a unit to open the unit page.