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Enroll Learners in a Course
To enroll learners or course team members, follow these steps.
- View the live version of your course.
- Click Instructor, and then select Membership.
- In the Batch Enrollment section of the page, enter the username or email address of the learner, or enter multiple names or addresses separated by commas or new lines.
- You can copy and paste data from a .csv file of email addresses. However, note that this feature is better suited to courses with smaller enrollments, rather than courses with massive enrollments.
- For the Role of the users being enrolled, select the role of the learner.
- If the learner is a member of the course staff, select Partner.
- If the learner is not a member of the course staff, select Learner.
All of the users that you enroll at one time must have the same role. If you have some users who are partners and others who are learners, you must complete two batch enrollments.
- In the Enter the reason why the students are to be manually enrolled or unenrolled, enter a specific, detailed reason why you want to enroll these learners.
- To streamline the course enrollment process, leave Auto Enroll selected.
- To send learners an email message, leave Notify students by email selected.
- Click Enroll.
You can view or download a list of the people who are enrolled in the course.
View an Enrollment Count
After you create a course, you can access the total number of people who are enrolled in it. Note the following information about how this count is computed.
- In addition to learners, the enrollment count includes all course team members, including Admins and Staff. (To work with a course in Studio, the LMS, or Insights, you must be enrolled in that course.)
- The enrollment count displays the number of currently enrolled learners and course team members. It is not a historical count of everyone who has ever enrolled in the course.
The total number of current enrollees is shown as the sum of the number of people who selected each of the certification tracks (verified, professional, or honor) that is available for your course.
To view the enrollment count for a course, follow these steps.
- View the live version of your course.
- Click Instructor, and then select Course Info if necessary.
The Enrollment Information section of the page that opens shows the number of people who are currently enrolled in your course and in each of the certification tracks.
Unenroll Learners from a Course
You can remove learners from a course by unenrolling them. To prevent learners from re-enrolling, course enrollment must also be closed. You use Studio to set the Enrollment End Date for the course to a date in the past.
To unenroll learners, you supply the email addresses of enrolled learners.
- View the live version of your course.
- Select Membership.
- In the Batch Enrollment section of the page, enter a username or an email address, or multiple names or addresses separated by commas or new lines.
- In the Enter the reason why the students are to be manually enrolled or unenrolled, enter a specific, detailed reason why you want to unenroll these learners.
- To send learners an email message, leave Notify students by email selected.
- Select Unenroll. The course is no longer listed on the learners’ Current Courses dashboards, and the learners can no longer access the course content or contribute to discussions.
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