Blackboard: Work on Grade Center

Blackboard: Work on Grade Center

The Grade Center allows you to provide and manage your students’ grades for activities such as assignments, tests, discussion posts, and so on. You can also create grade columns for any activities you want to grade, such as participation or attendance.

To access Full Grade Center or Needs Grading, click Grade Center under Control Panel, and then select Full Grade Center or Needs Grading.

Full Grade Center Area

  1. Create Column feature allows you to automatically create a column to assess a test or assignment in your course. Also, you can create grade columns manually for activities students complete outside of Blackboard such as participation/midterm/final exam.
  2. Create Calculated Column includes four options: Average, Minimum/Maximum, Total, or Weighted. The Weighted column is a type of calculated column that calculates the grades based on the selected columns and their percentages.
  3. Manage includes options to manage Grading Periods, Grading Schemas, Grading Color Codes, Categories, Smart Views, Column Organization, Row Visibility, or Send Email.
  4. Reports allow you to create reports from Grade Center data and access the grade history of all students. It includes three options: Create Report, View Grade History, and Submission Receipts.
  5. Filter allows you to filter the Full Grade Center by Current View, Category, and Status.
  6. Work Offline enables you to upload or download the grades as an Excel or CSV file.
  7. Contextual Menu is a drop-down menu displaying options that are available and specific to that item.

Needs Grading Area

  1. Needs Grading allows you to view student attempts that are ready for grading.
  2. Grade All enables you to view the submissions in the order they are sorted in Needs Grading . When attempts are graded, they do not appear on the Needs Grading page. You can write your feedback using the box tool, which is a third-party tool embedded in Blackboard.
  3. Filter Criteria allows you to narrow down the list by Category, Item, User, and Date Submitted.
  4. Grading Options in Contextual Menu (drop-down) can be used to Grade All Users or Grade with User Names Hidden. For tests, the contextual menu also includes Grade by Questions and View Attempts. The total number of attempts for the selected item is listed in parentheses.