Blackboard: How to Archive a Course in Blackboard

Blackboard: How to Archive a Course in Blackboard

The archive course feature creates a permanent record of your course. An archive includes all the content, course statistics, users, and course interactions, such as blog posts, discussions, attendance data, and grades available at the time the archive is created.

Archived courses are saved as Zip files. When you archive a course, it isn't deleted from the system.

  • Log into the Blackboard course you wish to create an archive of and go to the Control Panel. Select Packages and Utilities and click on the Export/Archive Course option.

  • On the Export/Archive Course page, select Archive Course.

Unlike the archive course feature, the export package feature doesn't include any users or user interactions with the course.

To make as complete an archive as possible, follow the steps below:

  • Check the checkbox to Include Grade Center History.
  • Click the radio button next to Copy links and include copies of the files in the course default directory.
  • Click the radio button next to Copy links and include copies of the files outside of the course default directory.
  • Click the Submit button.

You will now receive a confirmation message that the archive process has been queued on the server. The amount of time that it takes for your request to be processed can vary considerably depending on server activity.

Once you have received an email message notifying you that the archive process has been completed, you can return to the Export/Archive Course screen to download the archive file.

  • Click on Export/Archive Course from the Control Panel as you did in Step 1. When you archive a course, a link to the package appears on this page.

Click on the name of the archive file to download the compressed archive Zip file. Save the file to the appropriate location on your computer. Depending on your operating system (MacOS or Windows) you may be asked whether to Open or Save the file--choose Save File.

It is recommended that you delete packages from this page after you download them. Each package counts against the course size limit.

The compressed (Zip) archive file can only be used to restore the archived course to Blackboard. Do not unzip (Open) an archive package or remove files from the package, otherwise the package will not import correctly.

Although you cannot open and use the contents of the archive file outside of Blackboard, you can access the contents in the future by sending the Zip file to elearning@ku.tr and requesting that the archive be restored for access.