Due to the latest developments, CPAP100 exams will be held online. Exam documents will be shared via a Blackboard assignment, so please make sure to enroll in an exam on KUSIS.
At the scheduled exam time, log into Blackboard and go to the CPAP Blackboard course. Under the assignment link on the course menu, find the assignment and download the documents. (Watch)
Save the files (both MS Word and Excel) to your own computer, using your KU ID as the file name. (Watch)
When you have completed the exam, you must upload your finished documents back to Blackboard. To do so, go back to the Blackboard assignment and upload your files. (Watch)
You have 90 minutes for the exam, plus 5 additional minutes to download/upload your files (95 minutes in total).
We strongly recommend you to watch the Video Lectures before attending to exam.
Register to upcoming CPAP exams in KUSIS. Watch how-to video: CPAP 100 Registration. Choose Spring 2020 as the semester.
If you receive errors about registration, please send an e-mail to registrar@ku.edu.tr with a screenshot of the error and request to be enrolled for the appropriate exam.