Virtual Computer Lab: Horizon Client
Virtual Computer Lab: Horizon Client
- serkancil
- Gürkan Topçu
- Cenk Kabahasanoğlu
Owned by serkancil
- Go to https://vlab.ku.edu.tr (Off-Campus Access Only)
- Select “Install VMware Horizon Client” or visit https://www.vmware.com/go/viewclients
- Locate the version of operating system you are using (Windows, Mac, Linux), and click on “Go to Downloads”.
- Click on the “Download” button to download the client installer.
- Once downloaded, open/execute the file to start the installation.
- Follow the prompts during the install to complete each step. You may leave all the default settings.
- Launch the VMware Horizon Client and click “+ New Server”.
- Type “vlab.ku.edu.tr” in the box and click “Connect”.
- Type in your KU NetID and click “Login”.
- Select “Lab Computer for Remote Access”.
- This will launch the desktop and you will be logged into a Windows Desktop.
- Your local hard disk will be mapped as “Network Drive Z:”
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