Blackboard: Create an Assignment
Log into Blackboard. ( with your KU username and password.
Click and go into the Blackboard course.
You can use the assignment tool to let your students submit their work, manage their grades, and give feedback on submissions.
Students can both upload their work and type short answers in the assignment area.
How to Create an Assignment
Click the Assessments button and click Assignment
The Create Assignment page will open. There are several options you need to specify. The first area is Assignment Information.
a. Name and Color: Type a name for the assignment. It is a required field for creating an assignment. You can use the color picker to select a color for the assignment link text.
b. Instructions: Write some instruction for the assignment.
The second area is Assignment Files. It allows you to attach files about the assignment such as assignment guideline and sample assignments. You can attach files from your computer or files that have already been added to the course.
The third area is Due Dates. Check the box to set a due date. Then use the date and time pickers to set a date and time. If students submit their assignments late, the system accepts the submissions but marks them as late.
The fourth area is Grading.
a. Points Possible: Type the point value for the assignment. It is a required field.
b. Associated Rubrics: Add a rubric if needed. There are 3 options here: Select rubric, create new rubric, and create from existing (see How to Create a Rubric document for more information).
c. Submission Details: Click submission details to expand the section to see the options about submissions.
d. Grading Options: Click this option to enable anonymous grading and delegated grading options.
e. Display of Grades: Click this option to select how grades are displayed to students.
Submission Details
a. Assignment Type: Select individual submission or group submission. To create group submission, there should be groups that have been already created. If you select the group submission option, you will see extra options below.
Select the groups you wish to give the assignment to from the Items to Select column.
Click the arrow to move them to the Selected Items column.
b. Number of Attempts: Select the number of attempts so that your students can submit their files once or multiple times. If you select the Multiple Attempt option, the Maximum Attempt and Score Attempts options will appear.
c. Plagiarism Tools: If you want to see the similarities between students’ submissions and databases, check the option named Check Submission for Plagiarism Using Safe Assign.
f. Allow students to view Safe Assign Originality Report for their attempts: Check this option to make the safe assign report visible to students.
g. Exclude Submissions: Check this option to exclude student papers from SafeAssign's databases.
Grading Options
a. Enable Anonymous Grading: Check this option to hide students’ names while grading the submissions. After checking the option, two options will be visible: disable grading on a specific date and disable after all items have been graded.
b. Enable Delegated Grading: Check this option to assign users such as TAs to grade submissions.
c. Show: This dropdown menu has 3 options: All Possible Graders, All Assigned Graders, and All Unassigned Graders to see the graders.
d. Submissions to Grade: This dropdown menu allows you to assign grading responsibilities for each user.
e. View Settings: Check the option next to each possible grader to allow them to view other graders' scores, feedback, and notes.
f. Reconcile Grades: The +/- icon indicates that the user has permission to reconcile items graded by other users. Instructors have this permission, while teaching assistants do not.
Display of Grades
a. Display Grade As:
Primary: This option allows you to choose how grades are displayed to students and in the grade center. The dropdown menu includes Score, Letter, Text, Percentage and Complete/Incomplete options.
Secondary: It is only displayed in the grade center. Students cannot see it. The dropdown menu includes Letter, Text, Percentage and Complete/Incomplete options.
b. Include in Grade Center Grading Calculations: Check this option to include scores in the grade center calculations.
c. Show to Students in My Grades: Check this option to show the results to students. If you want to hide the results, uncheck this option.
d. Show Statistics(average and median) for this item to Students in My Grades: Check this option to show the average and median grades to students.
The fifth area is the Availability section, which allows you to edit the assignment's visibility to students.
When finished, click Submit to create the assignment.