What is phishing?
Cyber attacks aiming to get your data by deceiving you with methods such as e-mails, SMS, phone calls that look like real are called phishing. In order to be protected from e-mail phishing attacks, which is common methods, do not open e-mails that you do not trust source of it, do not click on links and contact you Information Security Unit in suspicious cases by sending an email to bilgiguvenligi@ku.edu.tr or submitting a Trackit.
Hint of the month
→ Aren't you still using Two-Factor-Authentication?
It's known that use of only passwords does not provide enough security and event most complex passwords can be easily compromised by attackers. For a solution, Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) can be activated for your KU NetID account, personal e-mails, social media applications and shopping sites you are a member of. Find out more here about how to activate MFA on your KU NetID account.