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Your KU NetID and password grant access to the campus network and many University systems, such as Wifi, VPN, and printers. All Academic and Staff type access is managed through Human Resources. Student access is managed through Registrar Office.



  • Central KU electronic ID used throughout the University.

  • You must change your password at least once per calendar year.

  • A series of letters and numbers that are unique to you.

  • Departments can request a Sponsored Identity for vendors and others who are working on their behalf by opening an IT Trackit request


    Public Access Computers provide access to common productivity software and the Internet. These are available at the entrance of the Suna Kıraç Library, Student Center Basement Floor, Dormitory Halls, Kiosks, and Faculty buildings. 


    • Most of the computers are Windows based. macOS computers are available at ENG B50 and SOS Z14. 
    • USB and microphone ports are available on the computers.
    • Computers do not persist user data across sessions. Any data, document kept on computer local storage is lost permanently once you end your session or a power outage occurs.

    Do not save important information on public access computers. All information is erased when you log out or a power outage occurs. Please save data to a personal storage device or your personal Shared Storage area frequently

    Who can use it?


    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Students
  • Alumni
  • Guests

    When can I use it?


    This service is available all the time.

    How much does it cost?


    This service is available at no charge to the KU community.


    How do I get it?


    When you become affiliated with KU through onboarding processes at KU for faculty, staff, and students, a NetID is created for you. To set your initial NetID password or to change it, visit the KU NetID password change service page.


    • Link 1
    • Link 2
    Filter by label (Content by label)showLabelsfalsemax10spacesIKBshowSpacefalsesortmodifiedreversetruetitleRelated ContenttypepageexcludeCurrenttruecqllabel = "service-public-access-computers" and label in ("kb-how-to-article","kb-troubleshooting-article") and type = "page" and space = currentSpace()labelsID Password Account

    Login with your KU NetID and password to start a session.

    Shared Computers Locations

    LocationPC CountsPC ModelOperating SystemAvailabilityUsageWho Can Use
    SKL, 24 hours area, atrium, 2nd floor study area47Zero ClientWindows 107/24GenericAll KU Users
    Kiosks Client ( At Some Faculty Entrance )6Zero ClientWindows 107/24GenericAll KU Users
    RF Dorms Study Rooms39Zero ClientWindows 107/24GenericAll KU Users
    West Dorm Building ( at 1st and 3td floor, study room )20Zero ClientWindows 107/24GenericAll KU Users
    ELC B0820Zero ClientWindows 107/24ELC Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    ENG B1940Zero ClientWindows 107/24Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    ENG B3233Zero ClientWindows 107/24Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    ENG 12838Dell MT 7050, i7Windows 107/24Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    ENG B5020Apple iMacMacOS7/24Eng Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    SOS Z1412Apple iMacMacOS5/8MAVA Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    SNA B22035Zero ClientWindows 107/24Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    SNA B149105Zero ClientWindows 107/24Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority
    SNA B24250Zero ClientWindows 107/24Computer LabAll KU Users, Class Priority

    KU Net ID required

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    titleRelated Services
    cqllabel = in ( "service-public-access-computers" computer-labs" , "service-virtual-lab" ) and label = "kb-service-desc-page" and type = "page" and space = currentSpace ( )
    labelsID Password Account