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Public Access Computers provide access to common productivity software and the Internet. These are available at the entrance of the Suna Kıraç Library, Student Center Basement Floor, Dormitory Halls, Kiosks, and Faculty buildings. 


  • Most of the computers are Windows based. MacOS computers are available at ENG B50 and SOS Z14. 
  • USB and microphone ports are available on the computers.
  • Computers do not persist user data across sessions. Any data, document kept on computer local storage is lost permanently once you end your session or a power outage occurs.

Do not save important information on public access computers. All information is erased when you log out or a power outage occurs. Please save data to a personal storage device or your personal Shared Storage area frequently. 

Who can use it?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

When can I use it?

This service is available all the time.

How much does it cost?

This service is available at no charge to the KU community.

How do I get it?

Login with your KU NetID and password to start a session.

Shared Computers Locations

LocationPC CountsPC ModelAvailabilityUsage
SKL, 24 hours area, atrium, 2nd floor study area47Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users
Kiosks6Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users
RF Dorms Study Rooms39Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users
West Dorm Building20Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users
ELC B0820Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
Student Center Basement12Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users
ENG B1949Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
ENG Z2139Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
ENG 12839Dell MT 7050, i77/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
ENG B5021Apple iMac7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
SNA B22036Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
SNA B149106Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab
SNA B24251Zero Client7/24All usersKU Users, Class priorityPriority, Computer labLab

KU Net ID required

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